The house cocktail of the Hotel Nacional de Cuba, this drink recipe goes down easy. Invented in the 1930's, the hotel and the cocktail have seen some rich history (the hotel is now listed as a national monument). If you enjoy a daiquiri or a light, summery cocktail that goes down easily, you're going to want to try this one. So grab your light rum, some nice apricot liqueur, and get ready!

How to Make the hotel Nacional Cocktail

  • Reminiscent of a daiquiri with the added flavors of pineapple & apricot.

  • Creamy/foamy texture.

  • Brightness from the lime.


  • If you can come across a Cuban rum, great but a nice light rum does the trick.

  • Chill your glass, you’ll thank yourself later!


The Hotel Nacional Recipe

  1. In a shaking tin, pour in 1.5 oz. of a light rum.

  2. Next, 0.5 oz. of an apricot liqueur.

  3. Then, 1 oz. of pineapple juice.

  4. Add 0.5 of lime juice. (freshly squeezed if possible)

  5. As your last ingredient, add 0.25 oz. of semi-rich simple syrup.

  6. Add ice and shake until the shaking tin is cold on your hands.

  7. Double strain into a chilled glass.

  8. Allow your drink to set for a minute so that the foam rises to the top.

  9. Cut a thin lime wheel for a garnish and lay it lightly on top.

  10. Cheers!

  • 1.5 oz. (45 ml) El Dorado 3 Year Light Rum

  • 1/2 oz. (15 ml) Rothman & Winter Apricot Liqueur

  • 1 oz. (30 ml) pineapple juice

  • 1/2 oz. (15 ml) lime juice

  • 1/4 oz. (7.5 ml) semi-rich simple syrup (1.5:1)

  • Lime wheel for garnish

Find some of these ingredients and more as part of my Curiada x Anders Erickson Collection

The Hotel Nacional Ingredient List

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